MCT Oil What Is It Good For?

MCT, or medium chain triglyceride oil, has become popular lately because of its health perks. But what's MCT oil, and why is it good?

We will look at where MCT oil comes from, its types, and how it might help with things like losing weight, increasing energy, controlling blood sugar, and keeping your brain healthy. We'll also talk about some of its downsides, how to use it right, and how it's different from coconut oil.

Let's jump in and learn about MCT oil's uses and benefits.


Does MCT Oil Help with Weight Loss?

Yes, MCT oil can help you lose weight. 1

When you take MCT oil, your body quickly uses it for energy instead of storing it as fat. It also helps you feel full and might speed up your metabolism, which is great for losing weight.

When taken as a dietary supplement, this type of fat can have a significant impact body weight.


Understanding MCT Oil

MCT oil is a type of fat from coconut, palm kernel, or palm oil. Making MCT oil involves fractionation, separating the MCTs from other fats in the oil. 

Coconut oil has lots of MCTs, especially lauric acid. 

Palm kernel oil, from the palm fruit, is another significant source of MCT oil and has lots of caprylic and capric acid.

Palm oil, from the palm fruit's flesh, is also used but has fewer MCTs than the other two.

MCT oil is liked as a health supplement because it's absorbed and used by your body fast, giving you quick energy.

It's different from other fats and fits well in many diets, making it a popular choice among healthy individuals and those consulting with a registered dietitian.


Types of MCTs

There are four main types of MCTs: caproic acid, caprylic acid, capric acid, and lauric acid.

They each have different numbers of carbon atoms and uniquely affect your metabolism. These carbon molecules range from 6 to 12 carbon atoms. 

Caprylic acid makes ketones, which are helpful if you're on a keto diet or need quick energy.

MCT oil supplements can make a big difference in your metabolism.


Benefits of MCT Oil

MCT oil has lots of benefits. It helps you feel full, manages your weight, and gives your brain quick energy.

It can help with conditions like epilepsy, Alzheimer's, and autism.

MCT oil also fights germs and helps your gut. It might improve your sports performance and help you recover after exercise.

Adding MCT oil to your diet is especially good if you're on a keto diet. Taking MCT oil as part of a balanced diet can be a good idea for individuals looking to boost their daily intake of healthy fats.


Weight Loss and Body Composition

Studies show that MCT oil can help burn fat and reduce body fat. 

MCT oil might help you feel less hungry, so you eat fewer calories. 2 This could happen because of how MCTs are broken down in your body, affecting hunger hormones like leptin and ghrelin.

It makes you burn more energy, feel full, and eat less, which is great for weight management.

MCT oil might help you burn fat, especially around your belly, by promoting fat burning and influencing food intake.


Energy Source and Metabolism

MCT oil is a fast and lasting energy source. It helps you perform better in sports and increases how much energy you use and fat you burn. MCTs can burn more calories than longer-chain fats, meaning you use up more energy throughout the day, which might help reduce body fat.

Some research suggests that MCT oil may increase your metabolic rate, leading to more calories being burned throughout the day. This thermogenic effect might aid in weight loss efforts. MCTs are known to boost fat burning and heat production in the body, leading to more energy used in producing body heat. 3

One study showed that people ate less at lunch after having MCTs compared to longer-chain fats. 4 Another study found that MCTs helped reduce body weight, suggesting they help burn more energy and fat.

MCTs break down quickly and turn into ketones.

These are used for energy when there's no glucose, which is particularly useful for those on a ketogenic diet.

MCT oil can increase ketone production. This supplement is suitable for people who need reliable energy. 

Dieticians and nutritionists recommend it for its potential benefits.


Control of Blood Sugar Levels

MCT oil might be good for controlling your blood sugar. It could improve how your body uses sugar and make it more sensitive to insulin.

MCT oil might help regulate your blood sugar after meals, which is suitable for people trying to manage it. Studies are being done on using MCT oil to improve insulin sensitivity. It the potential to benefit blood sugar control.


Anti-Inflammatory Properties

MCT oil might reduce inflammation, which is good for your overall health.

Studies show it might lower signs of inflammation 5 and is being looked into for treating inflammation-related conditions. Adding MCT oil to your diet could help with inflammation.


MCT Oil and Brain Health

MCT oil is quickly absorbed and turned into ketones and has been studied for its possible benefits on brain function. Here's a summary of what the research has found.


Brain Energy: MCTs might offer an alternative energy source for the brain, especially when brain energy metabolism is in crisis, like in Alzheimer's disease. 6

In such conditions, the brain struggles to use glucose, so MCTs, which turn into ketones, can fuel brain cells. This might explain changes in various cognitive functions after taking MCTs.


Memory in Older Adults: A review looked at how MCTs affect memory in older adults without cognitive problems. It found that MCTs, which cause nutritional ketosis, might improve working memory, especially in those with lower starting scores. This effect was seen with both short and long-term use. 7


Alzheimer's Disease Study: In a study with Alzheimer's patients over six months, 80% of participants either stayed the same or improved in cognitive tests. This suggests MCT oil might stabilize brain functions in the early to middle stages of alzheimer’s disease.


Research on Healthy Young Adults: A study tested MCTs on young, healthy adults. Some got MCTs, others a placebo. After 2-3 weeks, those taking MCTs did better in cognitive tasks like memory and speed. 8


How It Works

Two main ideas explain how MCTs might boost brain performance.

First, MCTs quickly make ketones, a good energy source for brain cells. This might improve metabolism in parts of the brain important for thinking skills.

Second, long-term MCT use might help grow new mitochondria in brain cells, increasing their energy power. 9

These studies suggest MCT oil might positively affect brain functions, mainly memory and processing speed. While the results look good, especially for people with brain disorders or older adults, more research is needed to fully understand the best dosage, type, and long-term effects of MCT oil on brain function in different ages and health conditions.


Other Uses of MCT Oil

MCT oil isn't just for eating. You can use it as salad dressing and cosmetics for moisture. Some people use it with essential oils or as a fuel in industries. MCT oil has many uses beyond just food.


Fighting Yeast and Bacterial Growth: MCT oil might help fight yeast and bacteria, reduce belly pain, and improve gut health. Research looks at how it affects gut microbes and promotes healthy gut bacteria.


Gut Health Promotion: MCT oil might help with digestive problems and reduce gut inflammation. Research is studying how it affects gut health. Including MCT oil in your diet could be good for your gut.


Potential Drawbacks of MCT Oil

While MCT oil has lots of health benefits, there are some downsides. Some studies say too much MCT oil could raise your total cholesterol.

It can also cause digestive issues like diarrhea and vomiting. MCT oil is a saturated fat, so too much might not benefit everyone.


Possible Risk Factors for Heart Disease

Researchers are studying how MCT oil affects heart health. They're looking at how use of MCT oil might change your risk for cardiovascular disease. MCT oil is a source of saturated fat and can affect cholesterol levels. 

This is important for people using MCT oil, especially on a keto diet.


Release of Hunger Hormones

Studies are looking at how MCT oil affects hormones that control hunger. They're trying to understand its role in eating and weight management. This research is part of a more extensive look at how MCTs affect appetite and weight.


Side Effects of High Doses

Research is looking at the side effects of taking a lot of MCT oil, especially on the liver and lymphatic system. This will help us understand what happens if you use too much MCT oil.


How to Use MCT Oil

There are so many potential benefits to including MCT oil into your diet. To get the maximum benefit from MCT oil consider the following:

Good Sleep Habits

Getting enough good sleep is key for healing, staying in a good mood, and thinking clearly. It also helps memory and keeps your metabolism healthy.

Eating Well

A healthy diet gives you the nutrients you need, strengthens your immune system, and helps keep your weight in check.

Staying Active

Regular exercise is great for your heart, helps control weight, lifts your mood, and can even make your brain work better.


Tips for Adding MCT Oil to Your Diet

  • Start with a small amount of MCT oil and slowly add more to avoid stomach issues.
  • Add it to your morning coffee, tea, salad, or veggies. Mix it into smoothies or shakes for extra creaminess and nutrients.
  • Use MCT oil instead of other oils in baking and cooking for a healthier choice.


Deciding the Right Dosage

The typical suggested dosage is about a tablespoon which is 14 grams of fat.

It's important to talk to a healthcare provider to determine the best amount of MCT oil.

Research is looking at how different amounts affect your health. Getting advice can help avoid side effects from the wrong dosage.


MCT Oil vs Coconut Oil: What's the Difference?

MCT oil and coconut oil are different.

MCT oil has only medium-chain triglycerides, while coconut oil has a mix of MCTs and longer fats. MCT oil is digested and used faster and is often a supplement.


Is MCT Oil Right for Everyone?

MCT oil is great, but not for everyone. If you have stomach problems or are allergic to coconut, you should avoid it. People with liver problems should be careful too.

Always check with a healthcare professional before adding MCT oil to your diet.


Who Should Avoid MCT Oil and Why?

People with liver disease, insulin resistance, or metabolic syndrome should be careful with MCT oil.

Those with heart disease or high cholesterol should talk to a healthcare provider before using it. MCT oil might not be good for people with stomach issues or certain health conditions.

Knowing the pros and cons of MCT oil is critical to deciding if it's right for you.


MCT Oil What is It Good For?

In short, MCT oil has lots of health benefits.

It's a great energy source, helps with weight loss, controls blood sugar, and reduces inflammation. It might also be good for brain health and managing conditions like epilepsy, Alzheimer's, and autism. MCT oil can fight yeast and bacteria and is suitable for your gut and metabolism.

But, there are some downsides, like potential heart risks, hunger hormone effects, and side effects from high doses. Always talk to a healthcare pro before using MCT oil, especially if you have health issues.

With all of the potential benefits of MCT oil, you owe it to yourself look into how it might help you make every day better.



1.St-Onge, M. P., & Bosarge, A. (2008). Weight-loss diet that includes consumption of medium-chain triacylglycerol oil leads to a greater rate of weight and fat mass loss than does olive oil. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 87(3), 621–626.

2.Maher T, Sampson A, Goslawska M, Pangua-Irigaray C, Shafat A, Clegg ME. Food Intake and Satiety Response after Medium-Chain Triglycerides Ingested as Solid or Liquid. Nutrients. 2019; 11(7):1638.

3.Vetrani, C., Verde, L., Savastano, S. et al. Supplementation with medium-chain fatty acids increases body weight loss during very low-calorie ketogenic diet: a retrospective analysis in a real-life setting. J Transl Med 21, 29 (2023).

4.St-Onge, M. P., & Bosarge, A. (2008). Weight-loss diet that includes consumption of medium-chain triacylglycerol oil leads to a greater rate of weight and fat mass loss than does olive oil. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 87(3), 621–626.

5.Yu, S., Go, G. W., & Kim, W. (2019). Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) Oil Affects the Immunophenotype via Reprogramming of Mitochondrial Respiration in Murine Macrophages. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 8(11), 553.

6.Croteau, E., Castellano, C. A., Richard, M. A., Fortier, M., Nugent, S., Lepage, M., Duchesne, S., Whittingstall, K., Turcotte, É. E., Bocti, C., Fülöp, T., & Cunnane, S. C. (2018). Ketogenic Medium Chain Triglycerides Increase Brain Energy Metabolism in Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD, 64(2), 551–561.

7.Giannos, P., Prokopidis, K., Lidoriki, I. et al. Medium-chain triglycerides may improve memory in non-demented older adults: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. BMC Geriatr 22, 817 (2022).

8.D C Harvey, C. J., Schofield, G. M., Williden, M., & McQuillan, J. A. (2018). The Effect of Medium Chain Triglycerides on Time to Nutritional Ketosis and Symptoms of Keto-Induction in Healthy Adults: A Randomised Controlled Clinical Trial. Journal of nutrition and metabolism, 2018, 2630565.

9.Wang, Y., Liu, Z., Han, Y., Xu, J., Huang, W., & Li, Z. (2018). Medium Chain Triglycerides enhances exercise endurance through the increased mitochondrial biogenesis and metabolism. PloS one, 13(2), e0191182.


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