Do Doctors Recommend Meal Replacements?

Meal replacement shakes have become popular with people looking to get quick and convenient nutrition on the go. What do doctors have to say about this trend? Is this something they would recommend? Find out below.


What Do Doctors Recommend?

Most doctors recommend meal replacement shakes when used in a healthy way. It is recommended that they replace only some meals. Even the best meal replacements only provide some of the nutrition you get from whole foods. 


What Are Meal Replacement Shakes?

Meal replacement shakes are just what they sound like. They are designed to replace a meal with a quick and nutritious drink. They can come ready to drink or in a mixable powder form.

High-quality meal replacements will include high protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Some include vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients. 


Why Do People Use Meal Replacement Shakes?

There are generally five reasons why people use meal replacement shakes:

  • Managing Weight: These shakes help with losing or gaining weight. 1 They're good for keeping an eye on how many calories you eat. Plus, they help add extra calories if you need to gain weight. They also help people who find it hard to eat due to sickness or not feeling hungry.
  • Getting the Right Nutrients: These shakes are great for people who struggle to eat a well-rounded diet. They're packed with essential nutrients and are especially useful for those who have trouble swallowing (dysphagia) or don't feel like eating (anorexia).
  • Quick Meals for Busy Folks: These shakes are a quick fix when you're extra busy and don't have time for regular meals.
  • Help After Medical Treatments: People who've had surgery might use these shakes when eating regular food is tough.
  • Keeping Seniors Healthy: For older people who don't feel like eating much, these shakes can ensure they still get the nutrition they need.


Benefits of Meal Replacement Shakes

Meal replacement shakes can be helpful, especially when used correctly and as part of a healthy diet. Here are some of their main benefits:

  • Easy and Quick: One of the biggest plus points is how easy and quick they are to make. This makes them an excellent choice for busy people who might skip meals or choose fast food that's not so healthy.
  • Controlled Portions: These shakes give you a set amount of calories and nutrients in each serving. This is great for people who are keeping track of what they eat for weight loss or health reasons.
  • Full of Nutrients: Many meal replacement shakes contain essential vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber. They can be an excellent way to add to a diet that might be missing these important nutrients.
  • Good for Muscles: Shakes with lots of protein are great for building and fixing muscles, which is why athletes and people who work out a lot like them. 2
  • Fits Dietary Needs: They're helpful for people with specific dietary needs (like vegans or gluten-free) since many shakes meet these requirements.
  • Manages Blood Sugar: Some shakes are made to not spike blood sugar, which is good for people with diabetes. 3


Best Practices for Using Meal Replacements

Meal replacements can make life better in many ways. They can help to shed unhealthy weight safely. When you're in a hurry, you can get an easy, delicious, and nutritious meal instead of fast food junk.

Remember, meal replacement shakes shouldn't replace all your meals. Regular foods have important fibers, anti-oxidants, and other nutrients that shakes might not. Make sure you are getting enough calories, or you may feel a drop in energy.

Replacing one or two meals with a high-quality meal replacement is generally considered safe.

Look for a meal replacement shake with at least 20 grams of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Avoid products with added sugars, artificial sweeteners, or sugar alcohols. Look for natural, healthy sweeteners like stevia and monk fruit. Also, avoid preservatives and too many synthetic ingredients.

People with underlying conditions like diabetes or kidney dysfunction should consult their doctor. They can help you choose something that's in line with your specific needs.

 Eating only shakes can make your diet boring and not varied enough, which isn't good for your health. Meal replacement shakes come in a variety of flavors, so mix them up.

It's always best to talk to a healthcare provider or a dietitian before starting any shake routine, especially if you have certain health conditions or dietary needs.


Should You Use Meal Replacement Shakes?

Meal replacement shakes are a convenient, balanced option for those managing weight, looking for a quick meal, or needing specific dietary support. While doctors generally recognize the benefits of these shakes, they emphasize their use as a supplement to, not a replacement for, a diet rich in whole foods. High-quality shakes with adequate protein, fiber, and healthy fats, and low in added sugars and artificial ingredients, can be a valuable addition to a healthy eating plan.

Remember that these shakes are best used in moderation. They should not replace all meals, as whole foods provide essential nutrients and dietary diversity that shakes may not fully match. People with specific health conditions like diabetes or kidney disease should consult healthcare professionals to choose shakes that meet their nutritional needs.

When used as part of a balanced diet, meal replacement shakes can be a beneficial tool for maintaining good nutrition and supporting an active lifestyle that will make every day better.



1.Davis, L. M., Coleman, C., Kiel, J., Rampolla, J., Hutchisen, T., Ford, L., Andersen, W. S., & Hanlon-Mitola, A. (2010). Efficacy of a meal replacement diet plan compared to a food-based diet plan after a period of weight loss and weight maintenance: a randomized controlled trial. Nutrition journal, 9, 11.

2.Treyzon, L., Chen, S., Hong, K. et al. A controlled trial of protein enrichment of meal replacements for weight reduction with retention of lean body mass. Nutr J 7, 23 (2008).

3.Ye, W., Xu, L., Ye, Y., Zeng, F., Lu, X., Li, Y., & Liu, L. (2023). Efficacy and Safety of Meal Replacement in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 108(11), 3041–3049.

 4.Guo, X., Xu, Y., He, H., Cai, H., Zhang, J., Li, Y., Yan, X., Zhang, M., Zhang, N., Maddela, R. L., Nicodemus-Johnson, J., & Ma, G. (2018). Effects of a Meal Replacement on Body Composition and Metabolic Parameters among Subjects with Overweight or Obesity. Journal of obesity, 2018, 2837367.

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